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My Trastevere Food Tour Experience

Few Roman neighborhoods can hold a candle to the charm and romanticism of Trastevere. For many tourists visiting the Eternal City, Trastevere is their first introduction to Rome. But don’t be fooled! Adored by locals and foreigners alike, it’s anything but a tourist trap. 

Last Friday I had the pleasure of attending Secrets Italy’s Trastevere Evening Tour with Maurizio, our knowledgeable guide. We started our evening in Piazza Trilussa where Maurizio gave us an overview of Trastevere’s rich history. 

Already, the evening air was full of lively street music, cheerful conversation, and the sunset’s golden rays. 

We started the night at a hip Italian bistro, where we were met with a glass of wine. In a matter of minutes, we were served a bruschetta I’m still dreaming about: crispy porchetta on warm, fresh bread. The pork skin was light and crunchy with the meat and fat practically melting in your mouth. 

That alone was enough to send me into a food coma – but this was only the beginning. 

Next stop: pizza!

This in-and-out pizza shop’s options are almost endless, from spicy marinara sauce to greasy sausage, there’s something for everyone! We tried classic margarita and potato pizza – the second one may seem unusual but it’s a Roman staple. 

With pizza still on our minds, we followed our guide through the bustling Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere where we poked our heads inside the ancient basilica before making our way to our next street food stop. 

In what seemed like seconds, Maurizio zipped inside a busy restaurant before emerging with a dozen steaming supplì. The inside oozing with mozzarella cheese and the outside fried until golden brown, the supplì warmed your soul and filled your heart with Roman dreams. 

Our street food adventure was coming to an end, but dinner was just getting started as we crossed Piazza San Cosimato to Rione 13. Here, a table was waiting with our name on it as a server eagerly approached us and asked my favorite question: red or white? 

We were also given a few different pasta options, but we chose cacio e pepe and carbonara – two Roman classics that are hard to beat. No sooner was our wish spoken did it become reality, as two large pans of pasta were placed in front of us. The sauces were salty, creamy, and decadent, and the fresh pasta was chewy but still al dente enough to have a bite to it. 

I savored every bite. 

At this point, I was honestly about to pop. But our guide reminded us of a wise Italian mantra: There’s always room for gelato. A sudden burst of motivation invigorated me as I followed Maurizio through the lively Trastevere streets to an authentic gelateria. 

The gelato maestro met us with a smile and offered us samples of a few different typical flavors, like pistachio and stracciatella. The decision wasn’t easy, but I eventually landed on getting the pistachio cream swirl and hazelnut flavors. They harmonized in my mouth like a symphony.

With a heavy heart (and stomach!), it was time to go home. We bid Maurizio farewell and began crossing the river back to our hotel.

Till next time Roma. There will always be room for you in my heart. 

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